Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Yet another toilet incident

This summer I am in the middle of a fieldwork for OT school that involves a lot of traveling. It’s great, and part of why I chose this site. It has been a great time to get a good and close look at my lovely home state, and to bond with my educator and my fellow OT fieldwork student. It’s also a good time to do stupid things.

As was established in my last post, I have issues with toilets. Well, we were staying at a nice little hotel in Steamboat Springs that was probably pretty swank in 1977 or so. I decided to shower before my fieldwork buddy in the morning, so I grabbed my shower supplies and my clothing for the day and went into the bathroom. I took care of my showering business, and then I tried to get situated in the tiny bathroom. I decided to put on my pants first (It’s just how I roll) so I picked up my shirt and tank top, which were on the floor on top of my pants, and threw them behind me onto the toilet seat. Almost instantly, I had a bad feeling about that move. I put on my pants and slowly turned around, afraid of what I’d see.

What I saw was exactly what I was expecting to: my shirt and tank top floating serenely in the pot, bobbing ever so slightly as though they were in a tiny ocean. My mind went blank for a moment, then two thoughts crystallized: 1) I would have to reach into the toilet to get out my clothes, and 2) How should I play this? I decided to not mention my little incident to the fieldwork buddy for the time being. I smuggled the soggy clothing out of the bathroom wrapped in my towel and the “bathmat” towel that hotels provide. When the fieldwork buddy was taking her turn in the bathroom, I squeezed out the excess water from the shirts and smuggled them out in the bag the hotel provided for ice.

Eventually I told fieldwork buddy, and she was a little sad I had not mentioned it at the time.


  1. Oh my goodness, I can totally relate. To the toilet issues thing. Ever since the original "incident" at Indian Lake Baptist (all the toilets overflowing in the basement girl's bathroom--you and Emily were there). I have more of a phobia of new toilets rather than "issues."

    I am a total weirdie.

    The question is... did you wear the shirts after they dried? :)

  2. Ha. I washed the shirts first. I wish I remembered the Indian Lake Baptist incident.
